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Results for "keyword: "empathy""
A Prayer for the Safety and Well-Being of Rhinos The rhino is being hunted into extinction and could disappear forever unless we act now. Statistics show 440 rhinos were brutally killed last year in South Africa by poachers seeking their horns, an…
Socials for Community Connection FLDWRK, located in Orange County, California, is an organization that focuses on ways that entrepreneurs, artists, and social activists can cooperate and become “culture creators.” The members s…
A Prayer for Suicide Victims Newspapers, magazines, and television reports deliver the story of another suicide: a famous filmmaker leaps to his death off a bridge, a college student exposed by classmates as being gay takes his…
Repurposing Fiction in Business School In 1990, we read and reviewed The Call of Stories: Teaching and the Moral Imagination by Robert Coles, a professor of psychiatry and medical humanities at Harvard, who had pioneered a new class at H…
Becoming More Empathetic We certainly can use more empathy in a world where national polls have shown an increase in narcissism (self-interest) and a decline in concern about the well-being of others. In an article in Yes M…
You to You: Process Theology and Prayer There are so many kinds of prayer and so many ways to pray. We can pray with words and without words. We can pray by reaching out into a vast mystery, the Deep Listening, saying "help" or "thanks" o…
Who We Can Be By Maya and Sofia Mesh for KidSpirit's Human Dignity issue. No matter where I go There have always been people with teachings, Insisting that they know The true struggle behind their preachin…
Jobs Now Require Emotional Intelligence It has been assumed that workers will have to be trained in software engineering, biotechnology or advanced manufacturing to survive in the future job market. But, according to Livia Gershon in a fa…
According Animals Dignity In his column on The, Frank Bruni points out that we are in a new era where respect for animals is growing. The phrase "animal welfare" no longer does justice to what is going on. The ne…
Sympathetic Joy as a Spiritual Gift I’ve discovered a new word and I want to share it with you. It’s called midding. Here’s the definition as found in John Koenig’s Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows: midding v. intr. feeling t…